"If you examine a butterfly according to the laws of aerodynamics, it shouldn't be able to fly
- but the butterfly doesn't know that, so it flies." - Vincent Eades

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Have Questions

Why do I feel so inadequate sometimes? Why do I feel that I am not enough? Why do I feel that what I am doing is not enough? It makes no sense - this feeling of being less than. Where does it come from? It feels old. Like someone I've known before I was fully aware of who I am.

Who are you? and why do you come to visit with me? What do you want? When will you go? I don't particularly like you. My world is uncomfortable when you are around. What do you want from me? Are you trying to scare me? Intimidate me? Keep me separate?

When I am in touch with my wholeness you are no where to be found. When I am feeling joy, you are also nowhere around. When I am focused and peaceful, you are elsewhere. Are you really there or are you there but do not matter to me? Do you live in this house or will you follow me if I move somewhere else?

Do you know my name? Do you know what is important to me? Do you know what I long for? Wish for? Pray for? Do you know how strong I am?

Are you my friend? Are you here to keep me company? Do you love me? Or are you just as scared as I am? Do you get angry like I do? Do you feel lonely too? Are you afraid of losing me? Do you just want to be loved and accepted and acknowledged? Held and told how brilliant you are?

Are you separate? or are you a part of me that I do not see, don't want to accept, love and acknowledge?

Maybe you need attention, just like me.

You are my sadness. Welcome. All of you is welcome. Feel free to stay as long as you like. We will sit and have tea as we look out into the bright, loving world that surrounds us, supports us, embraces us.

We are one ...and there is room for everyone ...including joy!

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