"If you examine a butterfly according to the laws of aerodynamics, it shouldn't be able to fly
- but the butterfly doesn't know that, so it flies." - Vincent Eades

Friday, June 24, 2011

I Have the Perfect Life...

...yet I fight with myself, sometimes. Want to crawl back into that box. The voices in my head, they sing to me, a false lullaby. They try to entice me back, into the darkness. I must push against the urge and call out to anyone who can hear me because the silence outside the box frightens me. I fear being alone, without direction.

There are faint cheers in the distance and I must trust that they will sing louder and louder and lure me towards them. My truth will make itself clear, once I accept my world outside the box.Once I let go. Let go of how I think things should be.

My mind wanders from place to place, space to space, thought to thought. I am flung in different directions, yet all I claim to want is to be centered. I want to be secure where I am, and curiously looking out to what will be next. I want to be still, yet do not choose stillness. I choose, instead, from fear.

I dost protest I am too quick to criticize my intuition. Too quick to negate the strides I take. I am told, GO FOR IT! Then watch as the Universe co-creates with me.

So I affirm:

I am a strong woman, with a powerful sense of intuitive selection. My gut feelings are true and real and I flow with them easily. I lead. I arrive at the right place, with the right people, at the right time. I am open, joyful, peaceful, successful, respected and wealthy.

I am where I am. I move forward from where I am. I am me. I will delight in being me and uncover the talents that are imbedded in my truth. Only I know myself. Only I do what I do. Only I see the way that I see. My perspective is unique and cannot be replicated.

To the fear in my belly - I feel you! and I will still unlock my passion. I will not allow you to imprison me and keep me from being authentically in this world.


  1. I hear you..and appreciate this message so much...it is so true..we do get pulled from time to time into so many directions..but trusting our intuition and our centre is the key....
    I am trusting it as much as I can or remind myself to do so from day to day..this post helped me today

  2. You've always let by example so thank YOU!
